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    Chinese Economic Weekly: the evolutionary reform of state-owned enterprise is more in line with the national conditions-金伯利起重設備
    Chinese Economic Weekly: the evolutionary reform of state-owned enterprise is more in line with the national conditions

    The Third Plenary Session of the eighteen proposed explicitly must play a decisive role in the market in the allocation of resources. In order to let the eldest son of the Republic -- the state-owned enterprises to adapt to the development ofthe market, the internationalization of the request, make eighteen of the Third Plenary Session of the "CPC Central Committee on the comprehensive reform ofcertain major issue decision" (hereinafter referred to as "" "decision") ondeepening the reform of state-owned enterprises and put forward a series of new ideas, new task, new measures.

    Under this background, in December 27th last year, Shanghai city to further deepen the reform of state-owned assets released "Shanghai to promote enterprise development views", opened a new round of the reform of state-owned enterprises where the big screen. Subsequently held in Beijing, Chongqing,Jiangxi and other places NPC and CPPCC, the reform of state-owned enterprises have become a hot topic on behalf of members.

    The future of the state-owned enterprises in the way? What are the specificscheme of deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises? How should wetreat and resolve the state-owned monopoly and corruption? With these questions, "Chinese economic weekly," an exclusive interview with the key state-owned large enterprises chairman Ji Xiaonan.

    At present, the state-owned capital income over the level of less than 10%

    As the central link of economic system reform, the reform scheme of state-owned enterprises has been the concern of. Eighteen of the Third Plenary Session of the proposed "the positive development of the mixed ownership economy, makecross holdings of state-owned capital, collective capital and the non publicly owned capital, encourage non-public economy participate in the reform of state-owned enterprises" indicates that the reform of state-owned enterprises the nexthighlight for everyone. Ji Xiaonan said, in the concrete implementation process ofthe private capital to participate in the reform of state-owned enterprises, the state will be classified research on different types of state-owned enterprises, notmake it rigidly uniform.

    Chinese Economic Weekly ": the central government proposed to accelerate thereform of state-owned enterprises equity diversification, actively develop the mixed ownership economy. Do you think the future ownership allocation of state-owned capital, collective capital and the non public owned capital is likely to be a what kind of scale?

    Ji Xiaonan: in this percentage, we cannot simply brush. For those related to national security and national economy of the enterprise, such as military, electric power, petrochemical, telecommunications, coal, civil aviation, shipping industry,the country will certainly insist on absolute holding. For those who support enterprises, such as the China Grain Reserve Management Corporation andChina National Cotton Reserves Corporation, because they are not for the purpose of profit, no economic benefit, therefore even if is open also won't haveprivate capital to intervene, so this kind of enterprise may end or by the national100% holding.

    For the general competitive enterprises, if they are national key enterprises, such as Baosteel, Anshan, FAW, SAIC, I think that can keep the relative state-owned holding, after all the assets of these enterprises is very large, private capital is very difficult to make all the next enterprise.

    "China Economic Weekly": "the decision", proposed the state-owned capitalincome over the public finance ratio in 2020 increased to 30%, the proportion ishow to determine? At present our country over the proportion of state-ownedcapital gains is probably a what kind of situation?

    Ji Xiaonan: at present the state-owned capital gains over the proportion of the total four files: 0 is turned over to the proportion of enterprise without profit after tax turned over to military enterprise; proportion is 5%; the proportion of state-owned enterprises shall be turned over to achieve a certain profit is 10%; in the oil, Sinopec like this kind of monopoly in the market resource companies paid the highest proportion, 15%. As far as I know, this four file after the weighted averagecalculation, at present state-owned capital income in our country pay level is less than 10%.

    At present, the SASAC and the Ministry of Finance and other relevant departments are according to the benefit of different enterprise, and puts forward the concrete implementation scheme of the 2014 central state-owned capital gains to improve certain paid proportion. SASAC deputy director Huang Shu andhas said that the future will be based on the enterprise reform process and the enterprise benefit status, has the difference, step by step, and gradually improvethe state-owned capital income over the public finance proportion, finally to 2020will increase to 30%.

    "China Economic Weekly": does this mean that we will implement the classificationmanagement of state-owned enterprises?

    Ji Xiaonan: the eighteen session of the third plenary session was not explicitly proposed to implement the classified management of state-owned enterprises,but the "decision" has been proposed to accurately define different state-ownedenterprise function, which indicates that the central government has accepted theidea of state-owned enterprises should be classified.

    The state-owned enterprise is not all for-profit enterprise, also bear a lot of social responsibility, so in the management and assessment, we should according to its character classification.

    I personally think that can be roughly divided into three categories: the first category is take people's living services of public welfare enterprises, such as water supply, power supply enterprises; the second category is already occupiedthe national special resources, take necessary guarantee of development ofnational economy, but also a certain amount of market competition of enterprises,such as the financial, petroleum, telecommunications and military enterprises;third category is the basic for the purpose of profit, commercial enterprises are fully competitive field.

    Breaking the monopoly depends on gradual reform

    Although the State Council in 2005 and in 2010 successively put forward to encourage private capital to enter the monopoly industries "non-public 36" and the "new non-public 36", but the effect is not obvious. The "decision" and"encourage the non-public sector to participate in the reform of state-owned enterprises", "further break administrative monopoly". However, the policy caneffectively ground to become the focus of our concern. Ji Xiaonan pointed out that an important reason why China has been the existence of administrative monopoly is sincere


    The Third Plenary Session of the eighteen proposed explicitly must play a decisive role in the market in the allocation of resources. In order to let the eldest son of the Republic -- the state-owned enterprises to adapt to the development ofthe market, the internationalization of the request, make eighteen of the Third Plenary Session of the "CPC Central Committee on the comprehensive reform ofcertain major issue decision" (hereinafter referred to as "" "decision") ondeepening the reform of state-owned enterprises and put forward a series of new ideas, new task, new measures.

    Under this background, in December 27th last year, Shanghai city to further deepen the reform of state-owned assets released "Shanghai to promote enterprise development views", opened a new round of the reform of state-owned enterprises where the big screen. Subsequently held in Beijing, Chongqing,Jiangxi and other places NPC and CPPCC, the reform of state-owned enterprises have become a hot topic on behalf of members.

    The future of the state-owned enterprises in the way? What are the specificscheme of deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises? How should wetreat and resolve the state-owned monopoly and corruption? With these questions, "Chinese economic weekly," an exclusive interview with the key state-owned large enterprises chairman Ji Xiaonan.

    At present, the state-owned capital income over the level of less than 10%

    As the central link of economic system reform, the reform scheme of state-owned enterprises has been the concern of. Eighteen of the Third Plenary Session of the proposed "the positive development of the mixed ownership economy, makecross holdings of state-owned capital, collective capital and the non publicly owned capital, encourage non-public economy participate in the reform of state-owned enterprises" indicates that the reform of state-owned enterprises the nexthighlight for everyone. Ji Xiaonan said, in the concrete implementation process ofthe private capital to participate in the reform of state-owned enterprises, the state will be classified research on different types of state-owned enterprises, notmake it rigidly uniform.

    Chinese Economic Weekly ": the central government proposed to accelerate thereform of state-owned enterprises equity diversification, actively develop the mixed ownership economy. Do you think the future ownership allocation of state-owned capital, collective capital and the non public owned capital is likely to be a what kind of scale?

    Ji Xiaonan: in this percentage, we cannot simply brush. For those related to national security and national economy of the enterprise, such as military, electric power, petrochemical, telecommunications, coal, civil aviation, shipping industry,the country will certainly insist on absolute holding. For those who support enterprises, such as the China Grain Reserve Management Corporation andChina National Cotton Reserves Corporation, because they are not for the purpose of profit, no economic benefit, therefore even if is open also won't haveprivate capital to intervene, so this kind of enterprise may end or by the national100% holding.

    For the general competitive enterprises, if they are national key enterprises, such as Baosteel, Anshan, FAW, SAIC, I think that can keep the relative state-owned holding, after all the assets of these enterprises is very large, private capital is very difficult to make all the next enterprise.

    "China Economic Weekly": "the decision", proposed the state-owned capitalincome over the public finance ratio in 2020 increased to 30%, the proportion ishow to determine? At present our country over the proportion of state-ownedcapital gains is probably a what kind of situation?

    Ji Xiaonan: at present the state-owned capital gains over the proportion of the total four files: 0 is turned over to the proportion of enterprise without profit after tax turned over to military enterprise; proportion is 5%; the proportion of state-owned enterprises shall be turned over to achieve a certain profit is 10%; in the oil, Sinopec like this kind of monopoly in the market resource companies paid the highest proportion, 15%. As far as I know, this four file after the weighted averagecalculation, at present state-owned capital income in our country pay level is less than 10%.

    At present, the SASAC and the Ministry of Finance and other relevant departments are according to the benefit of different enterprise, and puts forward the concrete implementation scheme of the 2014 central state-owned capital gains to improve certain paid proportion. SASAC deputy director Huang Shu andhas said that the future will be based on the enterprise reform process and the enterprise benefit status, has the difference, step by step, and gradually improvethe state-owned capital income over the public finance proportion, finally to 2020will increase to 30%.

    "China Economic Weekly": does this mean that we will implement the classificationmanagement of state-owned enterprises?

    Ji Xiaonan: the eighteen session of the third plenary session was not explicitly proposed to implement the classified management of state-owned enterprises,but the "decision" has been proposed to accurately define different state-ownedenterprise function, which indicates that the central government has accepted theidea of state-owned enterprises should be classified.

    The state-owned enterprise is not all for-profit enterprise, also bear a lot of social responsibility, so in the management and assessment, we should according to its character classification.

    I personally think that can be roughly divided into three categories: the first category is take people's living services of public welfare enterprises, such as water supply, power supply enterprises; the second category is already occupiedthe national special resources, take necessary guarantee of development ofnational economy, but also a certain amount of market competition of enterprises,such as the financial, petroleum, telecommunications and military enterprises;third category is the basic for the purpose of profit, commercial enterprises are fully competitive field.

    Breaking the monopoly depends on gradual reform

    Although the State Council in 2005 and in 2010 successively put forward to encourage private capital to enter the monopoly industries "non-public 36" and the "new non-public 36", but the effect is not obvious. The "decision" and"encourage the non-public sector to participate in the reform of state-owned enterprises", "further break administrative monopoly". However, the policy caneffectively ground to become the focus of our concern. Ji Xiaonan pointed out that an important reason why China has been the existence of administrative monopoly is sincere

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